Welcome to the 2025 Anthology Writer's Conference Schedule Page.

This page will be updated as we move closer to the day of the event. 

Panel Title

Tasty Words: Writing Engaging and Irresistible Recipes
Write the recipe in a way that make people salivate and want to check their fridge or cupboard for ingredients.

 Specialty  TBD  TBD  

Tennille Harron


Media Kits for Authors
Attracting media for your project is a job unto itself. Here's how to be prepared and proactive.

 Marketing  TBD  TBD  

PJ Hultstrand


Writing Across Borders: What’s It Like Writing for Readers in Other Countries
How do you write for readers in other countires? Other Cultures?

 Writing/ Specialty  TBD TBD  

Lalit Kumar


Book Awards: Do they Matter, Should You Submit, and How?
You read about people winning them, but how can they impact your books acceptance?

 Marketing  TBD TBD Bruce Davis, Avily Jerome

Arizona Bookstores: Who Loves Indies?
Find out what bookstores in Arizona are indie friendly and which may require a little extra TLC.

 Industry  TBD TBD  

Eleanor Rose


The Book Pitch: Make those 30 seconds Count
What makes an engaging book pitch that readers gravitate to?

 Marketing TBD TBD Sharon Skinner

The Festival Circuit: Where to Sell Your Books In Person
The calendar is full of opportunities to sell your book, including some that may be considered "non-traditional".

 Industry TBD TBD PJ Hultstrand

Flash Fiction Contest
It's a contest, with prizes. You write your entry in the session. (bring a pen and paper)

Writing TBD TBD Staff

Poem in an Hour Contest
Well, really 45 minutes- but you've donme that before, right?

Writing TBD TBD Staff

Is It Funny? Writing Funny Prose… Intentionally, That is
Unintentially is cool to, but here are tips on writing funny with purpose.

Writing TBD TBD Sharon Skinner

It’s OK, I Am the Doctor In The House!
Who better to talk about writing medical related stuff like injuries, langauge and policy than an actual doctor?

Writing TBD TBD Bruce Davis

Cross Genre Writing- Holding Readers Across Multiple Genres
Maybe you write Fantasy, and Sci-Fi, and non fiction, and maybe romance. How do you build a following around that?

Writing TBD TBD Jennifer Czepiel

Book Reviews: Who, What and How To Get Them
They are both elusive and highly valuable. How can you get them to happen organically?

Marketing TBD TBD Jeremy Broyles

Publishing Path: Getting Started
How to determine the best publishing path for a particular manuscript.

Industry TBD TBD Kathleen Osborn, PJ Hultstrand

Edits- Editorial Types and How they Make a Stronger Book
A deep dive into the different editorial types and how they come together to benefit your book.

Writing TBD TBD Avily Jerome, August St. Clare

Digital Marketing: Why an Author/Book Website Matters
A wholeistic view of owning your digital brand and controlling its presentation to the world

Marketing TBD TBD Joshua Lowe

Writing is Re-Writing
A discussion of how to approach your writing froma. refinement process to strengthen it overall.

Writing TBD TBD Eleanor Rose

The importance of Show, Don’t Tell
Why it matters to readers, makes story stronger and should be at the center of your writing credo.

Writing TBD TBD Lalit Kumar, August St. Clare

Writing Journalism is still writing
The importance of good writing in journalistic trades.

Writing/ Specialty TBD TBD

Kathleen Osborne

Using Media (Audio & Video) in your Book Marketing
Youtube, podcasting, TikTok and more great media opportunities to support your creating.

Marketing TBD TBD Jennifer Cepiel

Building a Speaking Career Around Your Writing
Using your knowledge and personality to build a bigger audience for the brand of you.

Specialty TBD TBD

Jamar Washington

Literary Fiction, More Than the Great American Novel
Explore the literary legacy, impact and importance of literary fiction.

Writing TBD TBD

Jeremy Broyles

The Library- Your Secret Writing Weapon
We forget how much is available to us at our local library.

Writing TBD TBD Adrienne Miles


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Save the Date: Anthology Writer's Conference
10 May 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
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20 May 2025;